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Final Project - Mac Miller Analysis

Brent Pearson


This project will include an analysis of two Mac Miller albums, Faces and Circles, two albums that are sentimentally similar and entirely different. For an in depth explanation of of why I chose to analyze Mac Miller albums, refer to the Meta-Document. To look at my entire R code for this project, refer to the README RMD Document

A final version of my website can be accessed by clicking here


My data was obtained from I was unable to find an api that could scrape this website, so I copied and pasted the words into two separate .txt files, one for each album. The text file for Faces can be found here. The text file for Circles

Data cleaning

For data cleaning, I needed to replace all line breaks with spaces, convert the text to lowercase, remove stop words, punctuation and other words that were skewing my results. One thing that caused problems was removing all punctuation because there was punctuation in most of the curse words to censor them. This produced an abbreviated version of each of the curse words and caused them to not show up in the

Top 10 word frequency

One of the first things you will notice is what i mentioned above, that most of the curse words are abbreviated to fck, sht, or btch. This occurred because each of the curse words included a “*” to sensor the word and it was removed after taking away the punctuation from each sentence. Just based on the most frequent words, you can tell that Faces is more aggressive and Circles is more tamed, which will be a common narrative throughout this project.


##          word freq
## mac       mac   76
## feel     feel   70
## miller miller   67
## sht       sht   47
## life     life   43
## tell     tell   42
## btch     btch   41
## fck       fck   40
## know     know   36
## faces   faces   33
## see       see   33
## okay     okay   32
## said     said   30
## man       man   29
## never   never   29
## now       now   28
## day       day   27
## time     time   27
## last     last   25
## soul     soul   25


##                  word freq
## know             know   38
## hey               hey   36
## gotta           gotta   21
## time             time   19
## good             good   17
## keep             keep   16
## well             well   15
## always         always   14
## need             need   14
## something   something   14
## live             live   13
## see               see   13
## day               day   12
## never           never   12
## say               say   12
## going           going   11
## trip             trip   11
## around         around   10
## everybody   everybody   10
## everybodys everybodys   10

Visualizing the top 10

In order to observe the difference between Mac Millers early and late works, I wanted to look at ten most frequently used words (non-stopwords) in two of his albums. For Millers Faces album, the top ten words included three curse words, his stage name, and other filler words. I think that this shows how he was young, reckless, and was trying to work his way into rap. For Millers Circles album, many of the most frequent words don’t give you a sense of what the album is about, but words like good and well make you think that it is a positive album. However, most of Millers later work was depressing after a few rough relationships and falling into bad drug habits. One examples of this is shown when he says, “Outside it’s cloudy but I like that better (better, better). Behind the wheel, but still ain’t on my way. Some people say they want to live forever. That’s way too long, I’ll just get through today.” (Complicated, Miller). This was shown more in the sentiment analysis of this project.

Word clouds for both albums


Sentiment Analysis

The sentiment analysis included some different words from the word counts, but the top ten words in faces were 50% positive, while the top ten words in circles were 45% positive.

## Joining, by = "word"
## Joining, by = "word"

## [1] "FACES"

##       word freq sentiment
## 1  shallow   23  negative
## 2     love   22  positive
## 3      woo   20  positive
## 4     good   19  positive
## 5     dead   18  negative
## 6      top   18  positive
## 7     whoa   16  positive
## 8      die   15  negative
## 9    happy   15  positive
## 10    dust   14  negative
## 11   angel   13  positive
## 12    free   12  positive
## 13    hang   12  negative
## 14   merry   11  positive
## 15   right   11  positive
## 16    fall   10  negative
## 17    hate   10  negative
## 18    weed   10  negative
## 19    damn    9  negative
## 20    lose    9  negative

## [1] "CIRCLES"

##           word freq sentiment
## 1         good   17  positive
## 2         well   15  positive
## 3          bad    8  negative
## 4       better    8  positive
## 5         fall    8  negative
## 6         love    8  positive
## 7         shit    7  negative
## 8        break    6  negative
## 9        crazy    5  negative
## 10         die    5  negative
## 11      enough    5  positive
## 12        safe    5  positive
## 13      afraid    4  negative
## 14 complicated    4  negative
## 15       devil    4  negative
## 16       fault    4  negative
## 17        fine    4  positive
## 18      pretty    4  positive
## 19       right    4  positive
## 20    bullshit    3  negative


It is interesting to see how both albums can have a nearly equal amount of positive and negative words while evoking different feelings. Faces contains words with negative connotation that are used out anger. I mentioned earlier why the curse words weren’t included in the sentiment analysis and could change the results. However, Circles was a sad and depressing album as Mac’s mental condition was declining, which gave some of the words a different negative connotation than Faces. Mac Miller has one of the most unique progressions as an artist, in my opinion. Going from fun loving teenage boy trying to make a name for himself in a tough market to passing away young due to drug overdose. His music group released circles after he had passed and it immediately became one of the saddest albums i have listened to. His remaining discography, not included in this analysis, shows unbelievable progression and these two albums are the most opposite of each other. To summarize, both albums produce negative sentiment values, but they are negative for different reasons, showing the growth/change in Millers writing.